Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Topic 8:Workplace Safety

Topic Eight: Workplace Safety

Task 1:
Some ways you can hurt yourself at your job is like hurting your back or you leg. Like when you hurt yourself at an day care, when you picking up a baby and you bind down the wrong way. You can hurt your legs by standing to long. For the babies we keep the door close so a baby won’t crawl out or hit there head trying to get out the door. Its also important to not come to work sick because its very easy to get a baby or child sick.

Task 2:
Eye and Face Protection
What I learned from this was that many people have eye problems or are getting blinded by work-related things. But all of this could be prevented by a face guard. Eye and face injuries costs a lot of money. Its $300 million per year in lost production time.

Task 3:
My experiences have been great. This has been one of the greatest experiences I ever had. The people I work with are good people and I learned how to work with them on a work level and not school. We work well together as a team to watch the babies. I made it one of my responsibilities to clean the toys and enjoyed it.

Topic 6:Attendance and Timeliness

Topic Six: Attendance and Timeliness
Task 3:
Discuss a variety of ways you can implement time management into your daily life.
First by waking up at the time you set your alarm, then by doing all that you need to do.

What would you do if you became overwhelmed with obligations?
You just see what you can get done with quicker.

Task 4:
This has been a great experience for me. I enjoyed every moment of it, it has taught me a lot. Today was a good day, we getting ready to move to a new build and so we packing everything up. I think this is a great thing by having a day care in the school it gives young mothers a chance to finish up.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Topic 4: Identifying Your Learning style

Name: _Tiara Hampton_______________________
Date: __May 11, 2010_______________________

Learning Styles Modality Preference Inventory

Read each statement and select the appropriate number response as it applies to you.
Often (3) Sometimes (2) Seldom/Never (1)

Visual Modality
__3__ I remember information better if I write it down.
__3__ Looking at the person helps keep me focused.
__2__ I need a quiet place to get my work done.
__1__ When I take a test, I can see the textbook page in my head.
__2__ I need to write down directions, not just take them verbally.
__2_ Music or background noise distracts my attention from the task at hand.
__2__ I don’t always get the meaning of a joke.
__1__ I doodle and draw pictures on the margins of my notebook pages.
__2__ I have trouble following lectures.
__3__ I react very strongly to colors.
__21__ Total

Auditory Modality
__1_ My papers and notebooks always seem messy.
__2__ When I read, I need to use my index finger to track my place on the line.
__1__ I do not follow written directions well.
__2__ If I hear something, I will remember it.
__1__ Writing has always been difficult for me.
__2__ I often misread works from the text (e.g., “them” for “then”).
__3__ I would rather listen and learn than read and learn.
__3_ I’m not very good at interpreting an individual’s body language
__2__ Pages with small print or poor quality copies are difficult for me to read.
__1_ My eyes tire quickly, even though my vision check-up is always fine.
_18__ Total

Kinesthetic/Tactile Modality
__2__ I start a project before reading the directions.
__2__ I hate to sit at a desk for long periods of time.
__3__ I prefer first to see something done and then to do it myself.
__2__ I use the trial and error approach to problem solving.
__1__ I like to read my textbook while riding an exercise bike.
__3__ I take frequent study breaks.
__1__ I have a difficult time giving step-by-step instructions.
__3__ I enjoy sports and do well at several different types of sports.
__3__ I use my hands when describing things.
__1__ I have to rewrite or type my class notes to reinforce the material.
__21__ Total

From Kids to College Program Materials, CIS of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC

Name: _Tiara Hampton_______________________

How Do You Learn? Profile Description

The Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner

Tactile and kinesthetic learners benefit most from “hands-on” activities. They usually clarify ideas by writing them down and understand formulas by manipulating them. Tactile/ kinesthetic learners learn best in laboratory settings and by doing fieldwork and class demonstrations. Making models to illustrate concepts works well. So does typing information on the computer, reorganizing material in different ways, and taping class lectures and listening to them during exercise.

Making Your Learning Style Work for You

Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners:
· Take frequent study breaks.
· Move around to learn new things (e.g., read while on an exercise bike, mold a piece of clay to learn a new concept).
· Work at a standing position.
· Chew while studying.
· Use bright colors to highlight reading material.
· Dress up your work space with posters.
· If you wish, listen to music while you study.
· Skim though reading material to get a rough idea of what it’s about before settling down to read it in detail.

Learning Styles Work Plan

Use the space below to create your personalized work plan for the subjects listed. Include at least two strategies for each subject that could be used for the different learning style types. Use your handouts and as resources when researching strategies.

Your primary learning style: Tactile/Kinesthetic__________________________________


Need to go over it and over it
Just listening on how to do it
Doing similar problems over and over to remember how to do it

Rereading the text
Listening to the teacher read and following

Being hands on
Social Studies

Looking at who is talking
Listening very carefully
Being very hands on with the subject

Look at what’s going on
Listening very carefully
Looking again be for doing anything
Second Language

Looking how it’s been said
Listening to how its being said then repeating it
Hand motions
And going over it again
Elective: ________

From Kids to College Program Manual, CIS of Charlotte – Mecklenburg, NC

Task 5:
Every Wednesday is a good day. I could come in with a head ache or might be having a bad day and then the children might run up and give me a big huge and make my day better. Their smiles just make my day better. I look forward to see their smiling faces every Wendenday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Topic 3: Study Skills
Task 1:
Get to class on time:
I chose this one because I have a bad problem with being on time. I think I need to improve on this a lot because if I were to have a real job and I’m late all the time I would get fired and we don’t want that. My timing I know can hurt me in the long run. I plan to do better and that’s a promise.

I chose this one also because when it comes to the last things to do I slow up. It’s no problem with getting started and I might not understand and then I get frustrated and slow up so I in up finishing sometimes late.

Task 2:
Taking Notes in Class, list of 5 things I can do to take better notes:
Review your notes from the previous class session before you come to class. This will help you remember what was covered and get your ready to understand new information your teacher provides.
Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviated words such as med for medicine, using symbols such as % for percent, and writing short sentences.
Complete all assigned reading before you come to class. Your teacher will expect that you have done this and will use and build upon this information.
Rewrite your notes to make them more complete by changing abbreviated words into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences.
Make your notes more accurate by answering any questions you had when writing your notes in class. Use your textbook and reference sources to obtain the information you need to answer your question. If necessary, ask your teacher or other.
Procrastination, least 5 things you yourself are willing to do to control excessive procrastination:
1. I often give up on a task as soon as I start to find it difficult.
2. I often find my mind wandering to things other that the task on which I am trying to work.
3. Motivate yourself to work on a task with thoughts such as "There is no time like the present," or "Nobody's perfect."
4. Work on tasks at the times you work best.
5. Get help from teachers and other students when you find a task difficult.

Task 3:
Service Learning Weekly Journal:

I think that this study skill can help me in a lot of ways. Being in there with the babies gives me a good feeling. I love being in there with them every Wednesday to see there smiles and happy faces.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Task 2:
1. My attitude is positive but it really depends on what the situation is about in my life at the moment. I was tough not to handle things in a bad way because it can make the situation worse unless you have to. Having a good attitude can make your day better.
2. My attitude on the regular is good I work in the Day Care because I love babies and children. I don’t feel that I need to work on that because I love my job and what I do I enjoy it.
3. The attitudes of other really don’t influence me it’s just the people that are close to me. I’ve learned that you have and attitude of your own you control what you do and how you act.
Task 3:
My job is very important to me I love children and what I do. The experience I have doing this is the best. I’m learning more and more each and everyday. Early child hood development is very important you get to see how children just pick up so much and learn different things. They learn songs, how to read, how to share, count numbers, colors, and more.
This is a great experience.