Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Topic 8:Workplace Safety

Topic Eight: Workplace Safety

Task 1:
Some ways you can hurt yourself at your job is like hurting your back or you leg. Like when you hurt yourself at an day care, when you picking up a baby and you bind down the wrong way. You can hurt your legs by standing to long. For the babies we keep the door close so a baby won’t crawl out or hit there head trying to get out the door. Its also important to not come to work sick because its very easy to get a baby or child sick.

Task 2:
Eye and Face Protection
What I learned from this was that many people have eye problems or are getting blinded by work-related things. But all of this could be prevented by a face guard. Eye and face injuries costs a lot of money. Its $300 million per year in lost production time.

Task 3:
My experiences have been great. This has been one of the greatest experiences I ever had. The people I work with are good people and I learned how to work with them on a work level and not school. We work well together as a team to watch the babies. I made it one of my responsibilities to clean the toys and enjoyed it.

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