Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Topic 3: Study Skills
Task 1:
Get to class on time:
I chose this one because I have a bad problem with being on time. I think I need to improve on this a lot because if I were to have a real job and I’m late all the time I would get fired and we don’t want that. My timing I know can hurt me in the long run. I plan to do better and that’s a promise.

I chose this one also because when it comes to the last things to do I slow up. It’s no problem with getting started and I might not understand and then I get frustrated and slow up so I in up finishing sometimes late.

Task 2:
Taking Notes in Class, list of 5 things I can do to take better notes:
Review your notes from the previous class session before you come to class. This will help you remember what was covered and get your ready to understand new information your teacher provides.
Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviated words such as med for medicine, using symbols such as % for percent, and writing short sentences.
Complete all assigned reading before you come to class. Your teacher will expect that you have done this and will use and build upon this information.
Rewrite your notes to make them more complete by changing abbreviated words into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences.
Make your notes more accurate by answering any questions you had when writing your notes in class. Use your textbook and reference sources to obtain the information you need to answer your question. If necessary, ask your teacher or other.
Procrastination, least 5 things you yourself are willing to do to control excessive procrastination:
1. I often give up on a task as soon as I start to find it difficult.
2. I often find my mind wandering to things other that the task on which I am trying to work.
3. Motivate yourself to work on a task with thoughts such as "There is no time like the present," or "Nobody's perfect."
4. Work on tasks at the times you work best.
5. Get help from teachers and other students when you find a task difficult.

Task 3:
Service Learning Weekly Journal:

I think that this study skill can help me in a lot of ways. Being in there with the babies gives me a good feeling. I love being in there with them every Wednesday to see there smiles and happy faces.